Rumors and Subplots


After each game (or sometimes during a game) your characters will come across rumors of events that are happening in other parts of the world.  They will appear here.  It is up to you to decide whether to follow them or not.  They may or may not be true.  If they are true and you follow them, you'll have an edge in the Possibility Wars.  If they are false, you'll waste valuable time, and possibly put yourselves in mortal danger for nothing.  If you don't follow up with true rumors, than it's possible a High Lord or six just got that much stronger.  It won't completely be guesswork, however.  Each rumor will be assumed to be true or false.  Next to the assumption will be a number indicating how likely that the assumption is true.  So a rumor that is False (15) is up for grabs, but it is more likely to be a red herring than fact.  However, a rumor with True (42) you can place a safe bet that it's on the money.  Most rumors will range from 10 to 50.  The numbers do not indicate the magnitude of the circumstances surround the event, just its likelihood.  If you didn't follow up on an interesting rumor, go to World News to see if it was true (and what happened as a result).

Check out the current Rumors.


Subplots will be established during the game.  Using the Drama Deck, your characters will have chances to forge subplots, anything from Romance to Nemesis.  All you have to do is play the card at the right time.  If there's an NPC that your character comes to hate, and you have a Nemesis card handy, then play it, and you can be sure that he'll show up again, with some plot to thwart you (or at least cause you unhappiness).  The benefits of a subplot is while in play, you'll get a possibility for every Act that passes until the Subplot is resolved.  Here, I'll keep track of current Subplots as well as any that have been resolved (and how).  Most will not last longer than one adventure, unless you play a Campaign card to guarantee the subplot's longevity.  As a team, it's important to keep a look out on what messes your companions may be getting into.

Read the Subplots of your story.

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